TSMC Likely to Manufacture Google Tensor G5

TSMC to Potentially Produce Google Tensor G5

Google Initiates Testing of In-House Chip

Reports suggest Google partners with Taiwanese firm KYEC for evaluating a chip it developed internally, signaling a shift towards independent chip creation. KYEC offers testing services for fresh chips made in Taiwan. Google procures testing equipment at KYEC, with testing set to commence in the middle of the year and scale up gradually.

Elaboration on Tensor G5 Chip

The chip undergoing testing, named "Laguna," is speculated to be the Tensor G5. Set for unveiling in 2025, it will be produced using TSMC’s 3nm process. This chip will emphasize AI functionalities, aligning well with Google’s emphasis on AI-driven attributes in Pixel gadgets.

Noteworthy Transition in Chip Development

This potential change represents Google’s premier endeavor in crafting custom chipsets. Previously, the company banked on Samsung’s Exynos chips. Moving production to TSMC empowers Google with enhanced control over chip design, facilitating the development of more robust and competent Pixel phones. It also sidesteps Samsung’s Exynos chips, currently trailing Qualcomm’s Snapdragon lineup in performance and efficiency.

Ongoing Relationship with Samsung

In the immediate future, Google upholds its alliance with Samsung. The forthcoming Pixel 9 series will showcase the Tensor G4 chip, constructed utilizing Samsung’s 4nm process. While presenting marginal enhancements over the Tensor G3 chip of the Pixel 8, it shares technology with Samsung’s Exynos 2400 SoC, hinting at marked improvements in CPU and GPU performance.

In a Nutshell

Google’s collaboration with KYEC for chip assessment hints at potential self-reliant chip development efforts. The Tensor G5 chip is foreseen to give precedence to AI capabilities by 2025. Shifting production to TSMC might augment Google’s authority in chip design, leading to more potent Pixel devices. Nevertheless, Google maintains its partnership with Samsung through the Tensor G4 chip in the upcoming Pixel 9 series.

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