Google and Mozilla Take Offense at Apple's Browser Rule Modification

Google and Mozilla Take Offense at Apple’s Browser Rule Modification

Apple is making some big changes to how browsers work on iPhones and iPads in Europe, and it’s all because of new rules from the European Union. These rules are supposed to help other companies compete better with big ones like Apple. Now, browsers like Chrome and Firefox can use their own technology on iOS devices, but there’s a catch – this is only happening in Europe.

Apple’s Changes for European Browsers

The European Union is responsible for this change. Google and Mozilla, the companies behind Chrome and Firefox, aren’t too happy about this. They say that by making these changes only in Europe, Apple is making things complicated for them. They’ll have to work on two different versions of their browsers, one for Europe and another for the rest of the world. Mozilla thinks this is unfair and makes it hard for any browser other than Safari to compete.

Discontent Among Google and Mozilla

Google’s Chrome team agrees. They think Apple’s not really trying to make it easier for other browsers to compete on iPhones and iPads. Right now, if you download Chrome or Firefox on an iOS device, you’re basically using Safari with a different look. That’s because Apple hasn’t let other browsers use their own tech until now.

Competition and Safari’s Improvement

People have been complaining about Safari for a while, saying it’s slow to add new features that other browsers have. But Safari is getting better, and having more competition could push it to improve even faster. The problem is, with Apple’s new rules, this competition is only happening in Europe.

Even though these changes are a big deal for Europe, they don’t help everyone else. Google and Mozilla have been getting ready for this by working on their browsers for iOS, hoping to bring new features to users. But with Apple’s restrictions, it looks like the rest of the world will have to wait to see any real change in how they browse the web on their iPhones and iPads.

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