For the First Time in 13 Years, Apple Surpasses Samsung as Global Smartphone Market Shows Signs of Recovery

“Apple Overtakes Samsung After 13 Years in Global Smartphone Market Recovery”

Indications of Recovery in the Global Smartphone Market

Recent data from the IDC’s worldwide quarterly mobile phone tracker and research firm Canalys reveal that the global smartphone market is displaying signs of revival. Compared to the corresponding period the previous year, the smartphone market has seen a year-on-year growth of 8.5 percent. This upsurge has led to Apple surpassing Samsung to claim the title of the top smartphone vendor worldwide, ending Samsung’s 13-year undefeated run.

Decrease in Global Smartphone Shipments

Despite a 3.2 percent year-on-year decrease in global smartphone shipments, there is a glimmer of hope. Sales reached 326 million units in Q4 2023, up from 300 million units in Q4 2022. This growth is particularly significant as it marks the conclusion of seven consecutive quarters of decline in smartphone shipments.

Apple’s Market Dominance

Apple exerted dominance over the entire smartphone market for the first time throughout the year. In Q4, the company shipped 80.5 million units, and over the complete year of 2023, Apple dispatched 234 million units. With a 20.1 percent market share in 2023, Apple has firmly secured the leading position. Samsung followed closely with 226 million shipments and a market share of 19.4 percent. In Q4 2023 alone, Samsung shipped 53 million units. Xiaomi secured the third spot in total shipments last year, boasting a market share of 12.5 percent. OPPO and Transsion claimed the fourth and fifth positions, with market shares of 8.8 and 8.1 percent, respectively.

Encouraging Growth from Transsion and Vivo

Transsion ascended to the fourth position in Q4 shipments, with 28.2 million sales and an 8.6 percent market share. Impressively, Transsion achieved a remarkable 68 percent year-on-year growth. Vivo entered the fifth spot with 24.1 million units sold and a 7.4 percent market share. Conversely, Samsung faced a decline in shipments in Q4, experiencing a 10 percent drop compared to the same period last year.

Noteworthy Growth for Apple and Transsion

When analyzing the year-on-year performance, only Apple and Transsion recorded positive growth rates. Apple saw a gain of 3.7 percent, while Transsion experienced an impressive growth rate of 30.8 percent.

In essence, the global smartphone market is demonstrating signs of recovery with an 8.5 percent year-on-year growth. Apple has emerged as the leading global smartphone vendor, ousting Samsung from its long-standing supremacy. Notable growth is observed in companies like Transsion and Vivo, while Samsung faced a decline in shipments. The evolution of these trends in the upcoming months will be intriguing to watch.

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