Clues within Android 14 easter egg suggest upcoming arrival of Android 15

Clues within Android 14 easter egg suggest upcoming arrival of Android 15

The latest update from Google, Android 14 QPR 3 Beta 1, brings more than just the useful “Circle to Search” feature to Pixel phones. Within this update, there’s a hidden surprise—an Easter egg hinting at the Android 15.

Hidden Easter Egg

As reported by 9to5Google, keen-eyed observers noticed a subtle change in the Android 14 logo—it now resembles an inverted triangle, reminiscent of the letter “V.” Google has a tradition of including a hidden mini-game in each Android release, accessible by tapping the logo multiple times. However, there’s no such game teasing the next Android version just yet. Nevertheless, we can see the codename “Vanillaicecream,” which aligns with the internal name for Android 15.

Naming Tradition

This follows Google’s established tradition of naming Android versions alphabetically after desserts, with Android 15 being affectionately called “Vanilla Ice Cream.” While an official release date for the Android 15 Developer Preview hasn’t been announced, Google’s history suggests it could arrive later this month.

Release Timeline

Based on the timelines of Android 13 and 14, the first betas might become available a few months after the Developer Preview. In keeping with their usual schedule, a stable Android 15 release could land in October, likely alongside the launch of new Pixel phones.

Expected Features

Though it’s too early to know everything Android 15 will offer, some clues have emerged. In the recent Android 14 QPR3 beta, an “App Pairs” feature appeared, suggesting the next Android version will offer better multitasking capabilities. Google has yet to make any official announcements regarding a firm release date for Android 15. However, it’s certain that the next iteration of Android is actively under development.

Speculation and Expectations

As we get closer to an official announcement, speculation on the range of new features and improvements coming with Android 15 will undoubtedly grow.

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