Approval of Over 40 AI Models in the Last 6 Months Shows China's Progress in the Field

Approval of Over 40 AI Models in the Last 6 Months Shows China’s Progress in the Field

China Approves Over 40 AI Models for Public Use

China has reached a significant milestone in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) by approving more than 40 AI models for public use. This achievement comes just six months after the implementation of a new approval process, demonstrating China’s strong commitment to advancing in the global AI race.

Recent Approvals and Recipients

Among the most recent approvals are 14 large language models (LLMs), which have been granted to well-known companies like Xiaomi Corp and 01.AI. This marks the fourth round of approvals, indicating a swift and focused adoption of AI technologies in the country.

Strategic Move to Foster AI Growth

The approval process was initiated in August of last year when Beijing mandated that tech companies obtain regulatory approval for the public use of their LLMs. This strategic move aimed to promote AI growth while ensuring that it operates within the government’s regulatory framework.

Batches of Approvals

Since the implementation of the policy, approvals have been granted in several batches. The first batch, which included AI models from major firms such as Baidu, Alibaba, and ByteDance, was issued shortly after the introduction of the policy. Further approvals were given in November and December, with the most recent batch being cleared this month.

Keen Interest and Effort in AI

While the exact list of all approved AI models is not publicly available, the rapid pace of approvals reflects the keen interest and effort exerted by Chinese firms in the field of AI. This surge in AI development was partly motivated by the international success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2022. At that time, China possessed 40% of the world’s 130 LLMs, placing it just behind the United States, which held 50%.

Baidu’s Ernie Bot: A Highlight in China’s AI Journey

A notable highlight in China’s AI journey is Baidu’s Ernie Bot, which is similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and has garnered over 100 million users. This example illustrates the significant potential and growing enthusiasm for AI in China.

China’s commitment to advancing in the global AI race is evident in its recent milestone of approving over 40 AI models for public use. With the inclusion of well-known companies like Xiaomi Corp and 01.AI among the recipients, it is clear that AI technologies are being swiftly and strategically adopted in the country. This rapid pace of approvals reflects the keen interest and effort exerted by Chinese firms in the field of AI. As China continues to make strides in AI development, examples like Baidu’s Ernie Bot highlight the significant potential and growing enthusiasm for AI in the country.

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