Ross Young has shared some new details about the latest MacBook Pro 14 and MacBook Pro 16 models, which come with Apple’s M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max chipsets. Apple has not made any alterations to the mini-LED screens in these devices. However, customers can now choose a nano-texture display finish for both models, though this option comes with an extra cost.
Display Brightness Comparison
Apple states that only the nano-texture displays can achieve higher peak brightness levels. They mention that these displays can reach up to 1,000 nits of peak brightness, while the standard displays on both the MacBook Pro 14 and MacBook Pro 16 max out at 600 nits (curr. $1,654 on Amazon).
Technological Advancements
According to Young, the M4 series marks the first time Apple has incorporated Quantum Dot technology into its machines. Previously, Apple used KSF phosphor films for their displays. The reason for this switch is that KSF films were more efficient and did not contain Cadmium, which is heavily regulated in the European Union and several other regions.
Improved Efficiency
The newer Quantum Dot films are claimed to be more efficient than the older versions. These films are said to offer better motion clarity and color accuracy compared to the KSF films, which might explain why Apple has chosen to implement them. In our recent reviews of the MacBook Pro 14, we noticed only slight declines in color space and response times. As per the latest whispers, it seems Apple won’t be introducing significant redesigns for the MacBook Pro 14 and MacBook Pro 16 for at least another two generations.
Ross Young’s insights provide a clearer picture of these exciting developments in Apple’s laptop lineup.