Silent Removal: Apple Omits “Open Sky” Feature of Vision Pro in Introductory Video and Website

Apple Removes “Open Sky” Feature from Vision Pro Video & Website

Apple Makes Modifications to Vision Pro Mixed Reality Headset Video, Eliminates Open Sky Environment Feature

Apple has subtly altered its promotional video for the highly anticipated Vision Pro mixed reality headset. Originally showcased at WWDC 2023, the video had a runtime of 9 minutes and 22 seconds. Keen observers have now noted a crucial 11-second portion has been excised by Apple, resulting in a revised duration of 9 minutes and 11 seconds. The omitted segment highlighted the Open Sky Environment, a feature designed to virtually replace users' ceilings with expansive skies.

Exclusion of Open Sky Feature from Vision Pro Raises Questions

The removal of the Open Sky Environment feature has stirred speculation within the fan and tech communities. Apple recently revised its "Introducing Apple Vision Pro" video on YouTube and its official site, completely erasing the Open Sky segment. Furthermore, all references to the feature have been eradicated from the Vision Pro website. This alteration was spotted by Twitter user @M1Astra, who pinpointed the absence of Open Sky mentions. Instead, Apple has shifted its focus towards the existing "Cinema Environment," which converts rooms into personalized movie theaters.

(Left) Original text on the website | (Right) Updated text on the website

It seems that despite the intriguing potential of the Open Sky feature, it may not have made the final selection for the Vision Pro. The rationale behind this choice remains undisclosed. However, speculations indicate that Apple may have prioritized features that could be more reliably integrated to ensure a seamless user journey. This decision might have been taken to prevent customer disappointment in case the Open Sky feature was not fully prepared for the headset's debut.

Vision Pro Launch Proceeding as Planned

Even though the fate of the Open Sky feature remains uncertain, the launch of the Vision Pro mixed reality headset is still slated for February. Pre-orders for the headset will commence on January 19, just a few days away. The pre-order process for the Vision Pro is distinctive, mandating users to possess an iPhone or iPad with Face ID. This prerequisite facilitates face scanning to ascertain the suitable size for the Light Seal and headbands, ensuring a precise and comfortable fit.

It is essential to highlight that only the latest iteration of the Apple Store app, rolled out on January 11, supports the Vision Pro's face scanning feature. Hence, individuals intending to order the Vision Pro should ensure that their Apple Store app is up to date to leverage this functionality.

To conclude, Apple's move to eliminate the Open Sky Environment feature from the Vision Pro mixed reality headset has provoked interest and conjecture. While the underlying reasons for this alteration remain undisclosed, enthusiasts can still anticipate the headset's launch in February. The pre-order process, incorporating face scanning for accuracy, injects a novel facet into the ordering process. As the launch date nears, it is advisable for users to confirm they have the latest version of the Apple Store app to maximize the utilization of the Vision Pro's features.

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