Blackview has introduced its latest smartphone, the BV8200. While it doesn’t feature an exceptionally large battery like some rugged models with 8,800 mAh, it still surpasses regular smartphones and offers 45 W fast charging. The device is powered by the MediaTek Helio G100 processor, which performs well but is somewhat outdated as it doesn’t include a 5G modem. However, it does support a variety of LTE bands.
Specifications and Features
Weighing in at 370 grams and measuring 16.5 millimeters thick, this smartphone is equipped with 12 GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 256 GB of internal storage. The RAM can be upgraded to 24 GB, and the storage can be expanded using a microSD card, which also allows for the use of two SIM cards—quite rare in this price range. The BV8200 features a 6.5-inch main display with a resolution of 1,080 x 2,400 and a 120 Hz refresh rate, as well as a secondary screen on the rear. This smaller screen is 1.3 inches diagonally, offers a resolution of 360 x 360, and has a refresh rate of just 60 Hz. Since it only shows the time, that refresh rate isn‘t a big concern. Both screens are safeguarded by Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
Durability and Operating System
The BV8200 boasts IP68, IP69K, and MIL-STD-810H certifications, suggesting it is resistant to dust, water, and extreme temperatures. At the top, there are two flashlights with a brightness of 170 lumens. The smartphone runs on Doke OS 4.0, which is based on Android 14, providing a modern software experience.
The BV8200 is set to be available for direct import starting December 31 at a price of $230.
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