Motorola's Edge 50 Pro, set for an imminent launch in India, has been gaining attention, with recent spotting on the Geekbench benchmarking platform shedding light on its specifications. The device, powered by a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, boasts a unique core setup with impressive clock speeds. With 12GB of RAM, the phone is expected to have additional configurations upon release, running on the latest Android 14 OS.
Geekbench Revelations
The Geekbench listing for the Motorola Edge 50 Pro showcases its performance metrics. Scoring 1,097 in the single-core test and 3,114 in the multi-core test, the device exhibits promising speed capabilities, although further specifics remain undisclosed.
Cutting-Edge Features
Recent confirmations from the Lenovo-owned brand highlight the Edge 50 Pro's cutting-edge features. The device will sport a Pantone-validated curved AMOLED display with a 1.5K resolution, a 144Hz refresh rate, and a peak brightness of 2,000 nits. Notably, it will pioneer a Pantone Validated triple rear camera system, featuring a 50MP primary sensor known for its ability to capture accurate colors and skin tones. The smartphone will be available in three distinct color options.
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