TikTok has recently launched a new app for Apple’s Vision Pro headset, bringing the popular video platform into the realm of augmented reality. This move allows users to enjoy TikTok in a way that is familiar yet takes full advantage of the capabilities of the Vision Pro.
The Familiar Layout with Additional Windows
The app’s layout closely resembles the mobile version, complete with videos playing vertically and buttons for liking, commenting, and sharing. However, TikTok has optimized the layout for the Vision Pro, making it easier to view comments and creator information without obstructing the video.
Designed for the Vision Pro
TikTok had previously announced its plans to develop an app specifically for the Vision Pro. The app is designed to allow users to watch videos either with a view of the real world or in a completely virtual space, such as on the moon. Additionally, it is designed to seamlessly integrate with other apps on the headset.
A Cautionary Approach from Streaming Giants
While TikTok is diving headfirst into augmented reality, other major streaming platforms are taking a more cautious approach. Disney, for example, fully supports Vision Pro users by offering movies in 3D. Similarly, Amazon Prime Video has also joined the bandwagon. However, Netflix and YouTube have chosen to stick to the basics, suggesting users watch through the browser. Although, YouTube might consider developing an app for the Vision Pro in the future.
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