According to Tesla, its electric vehicle batteries typically lose about 12%-15% of their original capacity by the time they reach 200,000 miles, varying by model. The Model Y, Tesla’s most popular vehicle, was introduced in 2020, and there are now examples that have surpassed the 200,000-mile mark.
High Mileage Model Ys
Some Model Ys have exceeded 210,000 miles, while others are approaching the 200,000-mile threshold with the average battery degradation Tesla mentions. Interestingly, some owners report extensive usage and rely solely on Superchargers for charging. One owner with a 180,000-mile Model Y has experienced only 12% battery degradation and charges the vehicle rapidly two times a day without a noticeable increase in battery capacity loss.
Charging Habits and Battery Degradation
A recent study has shown that the battery capacity loss from frequent Supercharger use versus slow charging from home wall chargers is statistically negligible. Research from Recurrent indicates that Tesla owners who frequently use Superchargers—around 90% of the time—show similar battery degradation rates as those who use them less often. The high-mileage examples of Model Ys support these findings.
Historical Context of Battery Performance
It’s worth noting that Tesla’s official statistics on battery degradation likely do not include early Model S vehicles produced until fall 2015. These older models had a fuse door at the top of the battery pack that could allow moisture to damage them prematurely. While these vehicles contribute to the average EV battery failure rate, they do not affect the average degradation figures because they often did not reach 200,000 miles before the battery was replaced, typically under warranty.
Nonetheless, some Model S units have been recorded with up to 430,000 miles on their original battery, showing a 28% degradation after eight years. This aligns closely with the capacity loss that Tesla predicts for every 200,000 miles of usage.
Future Battery Performance
As the Model 3 and Model Y utilize newer battery technology, the average capacity degradation for Tesla vehicles may improve over time. More Model Y units are expected to surpass the 200,000-mile mark, potentially leading to better overall battery performance statistics.

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