Record-Breaking Plastic Supercapacitor for Capacity and Lifespan

The impressive conductivity and capacity of PEDOT, which is made up of hydrocarbon rings, are significantly restricted due to its small surface area. This aspect plays a crucial role in defining the electrical features of any capacitor.

Innovations in Structure

Researchers from the University of California have transformed this structure to resemble fur or a pelt. By incorporating carbon nanotubes and graphene as the carrier materials, the surface area has been substantially enlarged. This modification boosts the capacity to an outstanding 4,600 millifarads per square centimeter, which is ten times greater than traditional PEDOT. Furthermore, this enhancement results in remarkable durability: even after 70,000 charging cycles, about 70% of the initial capacity remains intact. Overall, nearly 100,000 charging cycles can be achieved.

Benefits Over Traditional Batteries

Another benefit of this new design, when compared to standard battery cells, is that it does not rely on chemical processes for energy storage. This allows for extremely high charging and discharging rates. If scaled up, these capacitors could be used in power grids to store surplus energy and quickly release it when required.

Potential Applications

With an exceptionally long lifespan (nearly 10 years even if charged every hour), along with high storage and charging capabilities, various applications become possible. For instance, solar cells are already being paired with these capacitors to help manage fluctuations in energy production.



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