Realme is gearing up to unveil the Realme 12 series of smartphones on March 6 in India. The confirmed star of the show is the Realme 12+ 5G, but there is speculation about another phone joining the launch lineup. Rumors suggest that alongside the 12+, Realme might introduce the Realme 12 5G. Recently, key specifications of an upcoming Realme device with the model number RMX3999 were leaked, and the device has made an appearance on Malaysia’s SIRIM certification platform, unveiling its official moniker.
Realme 12 5G Moniker Unveiled
The SIRIM certification has disclosed that the RMX3999 Realme smartphone will be marketed as the Realme 12 5G in Malaysia. This device has been spotted on various certification platforms including India’s BIS authority, the FCC, Europe’s EEC, and Indonesian bodies like TKDN and SDPPI.
Rumored Specifications of Realme 12 5G
Rumors suggest that the Realme 12 5G could resemble the Realme C67 5G. The phone is expected to feature a 6.72-inch IPS LCD display with FHD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. Reports hint at a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for added security.
Powering the Realme 12 5G will be the Dimensity 6100 Plus chipset, coupled with a 5,000mAh battery that supports 45W fast charging.
The FCC certification for the Realme 12 5G hints at a design akin to the Realme 12+ 5G. While it is rumored to sport a dual-camera setup, specific details are yet to be revealed. The device is anticipated to run on Realme UI 5 based on Android 14.
In addition to the Realme 12 and 12+, there are murmurs about a Realme 12 Lite in the works. Although the launch timeline remains unknown, it is speculated to be in line with the Realme C67 (4G).
As anticipation builds for the Realme 12 series launch on March 6, enthusiasts are eager to witness the unveiling of the Realme 12+ 5G and potentially the Realme 12 5G. Stay tuned for more updates on Realme’s latest offerings.
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