Google has recently announced a global launch event on August 13 to unveil the Pixel 9 series and the Pixel Watch 3. This marks a departure from their usual schedule, which typically sees Pixel phones being released in the first week of October. Additionally, the Indian division of Google has confirmed that the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro Fold will be launched in India at 10:30pm IST on August 14. Here’s a closer look at what these new devices will offer.
The Pixel 9 Pro’s official teaser features a raised, horizontal camera visor with rounded corners. This visor includes three cameras, an LED flash, and a temperature sensor. While the Pixel 9 Pro has been teased for the Indian market, it remains uncertain whether the Pixel 9 and the rumored Pixel 9 Pro XL will also be available in India.
Pixel 9 Pro Fold Details
The Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold will be the brand’s second-generation foldable phone. According to the official teaser, its camera island is located in the upper-left corner and seems to house three cameras, an LED flash, and a microphone. The teaser video also reveals the inner design of the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. Although the teaser doesn’t show an internal camera, leaks have confirmed its presence. Unlike the original Pixel Fold, which had its internal camera on the bezel, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold is expected to feature a screen cutout for the internal camera in the top-left corner.
Integration of Gemini AI
Google has also announced the integration of Gemini AI into the upcoming Pixel phones. The foldable model will be available in Porcelain and Obsidian color options. While Google India has only teased the Porcelain variant of the Pixel 9 Pro, it is expected that more color options will be available.
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