Apple recently revealed the new MacBook Air M3, with expectations now turning towards the upcoming iPad releases from the Cupertino-based tech giant. According to Bloomberg's analyst Mark Gurman, new iPads could be unveiled either later this month or in early April. This aligns with previous reports suggesting a refresh of the entire iPad lineup.
Anticipating the New iPad Lineup
Mark Gurman suggests that Apple might introduce the iPad Pro and iPad Air models by the end of this month or early April. Alongside these tablets, accessories like the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil are expected to be launched simultaneously. Additionally, a specialized version of iPadOS 17.4 tailored for these upcoming devices could be on the horizon.
Launch Expectations and Product Speculations
It is speculated that Apple might quietly announce the new iPads and their accessories through a press release, similar to the MacBook Air M3 launch. No standalone launch event is anticipated. Rumors indicate that both the Pro and Air series will each feature two models, with a potential introduction of a larger 12.9-inch Air variant. The next-gen iPad Air is likely to be powered by an M2 processor.
Upgrades on the Horizon
Looking ahead, the 2024 iPad Pro is rumored to bring significant enhancements, including an OLED display, a thinner profile, slightly increased dimensions, the M3 chip, and support for MagSafe charging. Both the upcoming iPad Air and iPad Pro are expected to include a landscape FaceTime camera as well.
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