Qualcomm is making significant strides in the Windows on ARM space with its Snapdragon X series chips. The company has previously introduced its high-end X Plus and X Elite system-on-chips (SoCs), but now they’ve rolled out a new option aimed at expanding access to Windows on ARM for more consumers.
Fresh Innovations at CES 2025
At CES 2025, Qualcomm presented its latest ARM PC chip, simply called the Snapdragon X. This product is positioned as an economical choice, designed to run Windows laptops that are priced around $600. These laptops, featuring innovations like Copilot+PC, are set to compete with Intel and AMD in the budget-friendly laptop market.
Why This Matters for Budget Laptops
We believe this development is crucial for the budget Windows laptop sector. The Snapdragon X is categorized as the entry-level option in Qualcomm’s expanding lineup of processors for PCs. It joins the Snapdragon X Plus and Snapdragon X Elite, which are intended for more premium devices.
In contrast to its more powerful counterparts, which can have up to 12 cores and clock speeds over 3GHz, the Snapdragon X has an eight-core structure, with a peak clock speed of 3GHz and 30MB of cache. Although these specifications may not rival the raw capabilities of its higher-tier siblings, they are well-suited for the needs of average users.
Efficiency and Performance Highlights
Manufactured using a 4-nanometer process, the Snapdragon X emphasizes Qualcomm’s commitment to efficiency. The company asserts that the Snapdragon X will surpass Intel’s Core 5 120U in terms of performance-per-watt and battery life. While this isn’t Qualcomm’s first attempt to highlight energy efficiency as a key selling point, they face the challenge of convincing consumers that Windows on ARM laptops have matured enough to serve as viable options against Intel or AMD devices.
Moreover, the Snapdragon X is equipped with a Neural Processing Unit (NPU) that can achieve 45 TOPS (trillion operations per second).
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