itel Power series smartphones are set to be launched in India in February, according to a recent report. The company is said to be releasing three new models from its Power series, with an official announcement expected soon. The first model in the series will run on the Android 14 Go edition, which is typically reserved for entry-level phones. This suggests that the device will also have an affordable price tag. The second model will feature ultra-fast charging capabilities, while the third model will come with an exclusive India-first memory feature.
itel to launch three new smartphones
According to sources close to the matter, itel will be hosting a launch event next month to unveil its new Power series smartphones. While the exact launch date is still unknown, an official announcement is expected to be made soon. The company is known for its budget-friendly devices, and these new models are likely to follow suit.
Android 14 Go edition and budget pricing
The first model in the Power series will come with the Android 14 Go edition out of the box. This version of Android is specifically designed for entry-level phones, offering optimized performance and storage efficiency. As a result, itel's upcoming device is expected to have a budget-friendly price tag, making it an attractive option for price-conscious consumers.
Ultra-fast charging and India-first memory feature
The second itel Power phone will boast ultra-fast charging capabilities, allowing users to quickly recharge their devices. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who are always on the go and need their smartphones to be ready at a moment's notice. Additionally, the third model in the Power lineup will come with an exclusive India-first memory feature, enhancing the user experience for Indian consumers.
Design similarities to itel P55+
A marketing image of one of the new itel Power series smartphones has been shared, giving us a glimpse of its design. The device features a dual camera setup on the rear and a punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera on the front. This design is reminiscent of the itel P55+, which was recently launched in Africa. It remains to be seen whether there will be any additional design elements or improvements in the upcoming models.
Stay tuned for more updates on itel's Power series smartphones as more information becomes available. With its focus on budget-friendly devices and attractive features, itel is likely to generate interest among Indian consumers looking for affordable yet reliable smartphones.
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