Xiaomi Targets 120,000 SU7 Car Deliveries in 2024

Xiaomi Targets 120,000 SU7 Car Deliveries in 2024

Xiaomi has set lofty goals for its electric vehicle (EV) division, aiming to deliver an impressive 120,000 units in 2024, as revealed in the company’s recent financial report. This announcement follows their earlier target of surpassing 100,000 deliveries for their first model, the SU7.

Xiaomi Ramps Up Automotive Ambitions with New Developments and Higher Production Goals

While the SU7 continues to gain traction, Xiaomi is actively working on expanding its EV lineup. Company president Lu Weibing confirmed that additional car models are in development, but he stressed that their current priority is to meet SU7 delivery targets. Xiaomi remains tight-lipped about the specifics of these new models, maintaining a high level of confidentiality.

Speculations suggest that Xiaomi’s next release will be another SUV. An official announcement is expected later this year, with a market launch aimed for 2025. This news has certainly captured the attention of potential buyers and industry analysts.

The success of Xiaomi’s automotive division underscores the brand’s capability to produce high-quality vehicles. The SU7, their first EV, has won over consumers with its sleek design, state-of-the-art technology, and outstanding performance. The growing number of orders reflects the positive reception Xiaomi’s EVs have garnered.

Aiming for Market Leadership

This increase in production underscores Xiaomi’s ambition to become a dominant force in the rapidly changing EV market. With their first model exceeding expectations, the upcoming release of their second vehicle is poised to generate considerable excitement. More details are expected to surface in the coming months, but for now, Xiaomi’s primary focus remains on completing SU7 deliveries.

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