Xiaomi has recently unveiled a new teaser hinting at the imminent release of its latest smartwatch designed for children. The upcoming wearable is none other than the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 7X, following in the footsteps of its predecessor, the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 6X, which made its debut in 2022. The Mitu lineup from Xiaomi is tailored specifically for the Chinese market, focusing on creating gadgets tailored for kids. Previously appearing in the IMEI database, the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 7X has now been officially acknowledged.
Xiaomi Mitu Kids Smartwatch 7X Details
The teaser provided a glimpse into the forthcoming smartwatch's capabilities without divulging specific pricing and specifications. However, it did confirm that the new smartwatch will come equipped with 4G network support, GPS positioning, HD video capabilities, a waterproof design, extended standby time, and compatibility with the XiaoAi voice assistant. While finer details are yet to be unveiled, the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 7X is anticipated to be up for pre-orders from March 22nd to March 27th, 2024.
Upgraded Features and Specs
Anticipate the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 7X to bring about incremental improvements over its predecessor. For reference, the Mitu Kids Smartwatch 6X boasts a 1.52-inch display and is powered by a 950mAh battery, catering to the children's versions of WeChat and QQ. Additionally, the device offers a water resistance of up to 20 meters and integrates the XiaoAi classmates feature.
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