The OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R have recently been launched globally in India. In addition to these premium smartphones, the company introduced several accessories designed for magnetic charging. Among these are the new OnePlus 13 Magnetic Cases and the OnePlus AirVOOC 50W Magnetic Charger. Let’s dive into the details.
Details on OnePlus 13 Magnetic Cases
A significant improvement in the OnePlus 13 is the addition of magnetic wireless charging. Similar to Apple’s iPhones, the OnePlus 13 Magnetic Cases work seamlessly with MagSafe accessories as well as the brand’s magnetic charging system. To complement this feature, OnePlus has created specialized cases that enable Magnetic Charging. These cases are crafted to be sleek, ensuring they do not add excessive weight to the high-end device.
Variants of OnePlus 13 Magnetic Cases
There are four different case options available, but only three can be found in India. These include the Aramid Fiber, Wood Grain (Wood Black), and Sandstone cases. The Wood Brown variant is exclusively available in the United States. In India, the Sandstone case is priced at Rs 1,299, while the Wood Grain and Aramid Fiber cases come with a price tag of Rs 2,299 and Rs 2,499, respectively.
Introducing OnePlus AirVOOC 50W Magnetic Charger
In addition to the cases, OnePlus has officially launched the AirVOOC 50W Magnetic Charger. This wireless charger offers rapid and effective magnetic charging capabilities. With the support for 50W wireless charging, the OnePlus 13 can be fully charged in around 75 minutes. The price for the OnePlus AirVOOC 50W Magnetic Charger is set at Rs 5,999, and it should be available on the OnePlus India online store later this week. For those interested, you can also explore 7 alternatives to the OnePlus 13 by clicking here.
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