iOS 17.4 Update Causes Autocorrect Issues for iPhone Users

iOS 17.4 Update Causes Autocorrect Issues for iPhone Users

These may be challenging times for iPhone users as a recent software update has disrupted the typing experience for many. Numerous users have encountered issues with the autocorrect feature following the upgrade to iOS 17.4. Despite having autocorrect enabled in their settings, the function seems erratic, forcing users to deal with their typing errors without assistance.

Autocorrect Woes: Affecting Older iPhone Models

While the exact reason behind this problem is still being investigated, initial indications point towards older iPhone models being predominantly impacted. The specific models and the total number of devices affected have not been identified yet.

Apple's Response and Solution

According to IT Home, a reputable tech source MacRumors has reported that Apple is actively addressing the situation. The tech giant is set to roll out the iOS/iPadOS 17.4.1 update in the coming days. This new update, labeled with version number 21E235, aims to rectify the autocorrect issues, ensuring a seamless and error-free typing experience for users.

Temporary Fixes for Users

In the interim, for those struggling with the autocorrect malfunction, there are a couple of temporary solutions to consider. One option is to restart the iPhone, a basic troubleshooting step that can often resolve minor software glitches. Additionally, users can attempt to toggle the autocorrect setting off and then back on in their keyboard settings. While these measures may not provide a permanent fix, they could offer some relief until the official update is released.

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