Garmin Fixes Forerunner Touchscreen Issues with Latest Update

Garmin is known for updating its smartwatches more often than its competitors, but these updates sometimes come with problems, even with a public beta program in place. Recently, this was the case with Software Version 21.19, which Garmin began releasing to several smartwatches at the beginning of the month.

Update Issues

Reports indicate that the update caused touchscreen issues during activities for nearly all smartwatches except for the Forerunner 255 (curr. $284 on Amazon). Interestingly, the changelog for Software Version 21.20 shows that its previous version also had a bug that made the Connect IQ watch face crash on the Forerunner 255. This issue affects all the other Forerunner models mentioned as well.

Improvements Made

Furthermore, the touchscreen settings are now supposed to be "respected" on the Forerunner 165, Forerunner 265, Forerunner 955, and Forerunner 965. Additionally, the last two models have fixed a different bug that stopped distance updates during golf activities. Sadly, it is still unclear when a new update focused on features will be made available. For further information, check out the forum posts linked below.

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