Honor is set to launch the X9b smartphone in India on February 15, along with two new wearables – the Choice Earbuds X5 and Choice Watch. The brand has been gradually revealing key details about the upcoming devices ahead of the launch event. Now, the specifications and battery capacity of the Honor X9b have been unveiled.
Honor X9b RAM, Storage, and Battery Details
The Honor X9b will feature a curved display with a 1.5K resolution. It will offer five-fold eye protection with a 1920Hz PWM Dimming risk, automatic brightness, low blue light display, and circadian night display. The smartphone will also have a circular camera island on the back panel, although the exact configuration has not been confirmed yet.
Processor, RAM, and Storage
According to the Amazon microsite, the Honor X9b will be powered by a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor. It will be available in two RAM options – 8GB and 12GB – along with an additional 8GB of virtual RAM technology. Both variants will come with 256GB of built-in storage. The smartphone will run on MagicOS 7.2, based on Android 13.
Battery Life and Other Features
Honor claims that the X9b has received Gold Label recognition from DXOMARK. It offers 3 years of anti-aging performance and can retain 80 percent of its original capacity even after 1,000 charge cycles. The smartphone will be equipped with a 5,800mAh battery, which is said to last up to 3 days on a single charge.
The remaining details about the Honor X9b will be unveiled at the launch event next week.
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