Garmin has announced a fresh stable update for the Lily 2 Active smartwatch. The new software version 3.02 comes after the beta version 3.01, which was tried out earlier this month. This update brings several bug fixes to enhance the performance of the device.
Fixes and Improvements
A post on the Garmin forum shares that the team has addressed problems with the breathwork data screens and the workout progress bar. Additionally, issues with the date displayed on the Last Sport widget and the hourly report in the Weather widget have been corrected too. There are also enhancements for Text Languages (version 3.02), GCM Translations (version 3.02), and the Sensor Hub (32.20). You can check out the complete change log below.
Auto Pause Feature
Interestingly, the Auto Pause feature, which was part of the beta version 3.01, is not mentioned in this update. It’s possible that this function, which automatically stops the timer when you take a break during your workout, may be included in a future update. The Garmin team has confirmed that stable software version 3.02 is now accessible for all users of the Lily 2 Active smartwatch (currently priced at $299.99 on Amazon). You can get the update through Garmin Express or the Garmin Connect Mobile app.