Expanding Support for Good Lock Reaches 100 Million Downloads on Galaxy Store
The Good Lock App, known for its ability to enhance customizability across Galaxy smartphones, has achieved a significant milestone with over 100 million downloads on the Galaxy Store. This achievement has been made possible by the app’s availability and compatibility across different regions and Galaxy smartphone models.
Top Modules and Downloads
Among the various modules available in the Good Lock App, the top module in terms of downloads is the Sound Assistant, with 11,440,106 installations. It is closely followed by the One Hand Operation + module, which has garnered 8,522,285 installs. The Lockstart module secures the fourth position with 6,606,160 installs. Other popular modules include Theme Park, Multi Star, Home Up, ClockFace, NavStar, and NotiStar.
Increased Installs and Compatibility
Over the past three months, the number of installs for the Good Lock App and its modules has significantly increased, thanks to the expanding compatibility across different devices. The Good Lock App alone has received 2,121,404 installs during this period, while the Theme Park module has reached 1,159,608 installs.
Regional Downloads
In terms of regional downloads, Korea takes the lead with 26,868,771 installs, followed by China with 20,443,371 downloads. The United States contributes 12,194,874 installs, while India and Mexico secure the fourth and fifth positions with 7,061,864 and 2,782,314 installs, respectively.
Popularity of Good Lock Modules in Specific Countries
In the past few months, Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Indonesia have seen a surge in downloads for Good Lock modules. Additionally, the expanding compatibility has led to an increasing demand for these modules in China, Korea, India, and the USA. Even European nations such as the UK and Germany have shown interest in customizability with these modules.
Module Preferences in Different Countries
In Korea, users prefer modules like Sound Assistant and QuickStart, which enhance convenience. On the other hand, Chinese users do not show a specific preference for any particular module, as the data indicates symmetric installs across all modules. In India, users enjoy customizing their smartphones with modules like ThemePark, LockStart, and HomeUp.
Upcoming Features and User Feedback
In the coming weeks, the Good Lock App will introduce several new features to further enhance the user experience. Users can show their support and provide feedback to the development team by using the hashtag #GoodLock100Million on Instagram. This feedback will undoubtedly motivate the team to continue their efforts in improving the app and its modules.
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