Samsung Pass, the mobile wallet app for Galaxy smartphones in India, has recently announced an expansion of its mobile payment capabilities. Users in India who have the Samsung Pass feature can now make UPI transactions using their RuPay credit cards.
New Payment Method for RuPay Credit Cardholders
Previously, UPI payments through Samsung Pass were limited to bank accounts and specific debit cards. However, this update now allows RuPay credit cardholders to enjoy the convenience of contactless transactions and potential benefits like rewards points and purchase protection offered by their credit cards. Linking the card is also a straightforward process, done within the Samsung Wallet UPI.
Introduction to UPI
For those unfamiliar, UPI is a popular Indian payment system that enables instant inter-bank transfers through virtual payment addresses. Transactions are secured by a PIN, similar to ATM withdrawals.
Versatile Digital Wallet
Aside from payments, Samsung Pass serves as a versatile digital wallet. Users can store various documents such as driver’s licenses, loyalty cards, membership cards, and even boarding passes and movie tickets.
Limited to RuPay Credit Cardholders
It is important to note that while this update offers a new payment option for RuPay credit cardholders, the feature is currently limited to them. Mastercard and VISA credit cardholders can only utilize UPI payments through linked bank accounts within Samsung Pass.
In summary, Samsung Pass has expanded its mobile payment options in India by integrating RuPay credit cards into the UPI platform. This move offers Galaxy smartphone users with RuPay credit cards an additional way to make convenient and potentially rewarding contactless payments.
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