Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Prototype: Testing with Three Rear Cameras

Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Prototype: Testing with Three Rear Cameras

It’s been some time since the Galaxy S24 series was released, and now rumors about the Galaxy S25 series are already surfacing online. Contrary to earlier speculations, it appears the S25 series may not feature the stacked battery aimed at higher energy density. Instead, the series is expected to utilize AI technology to conserve power, potentially enhancing battery life.

Galaxy S24 Ultra

Fewer Cameras and Introduction of Variable Zoom

A recent rumor from tipster @ISAQUES81 highlights three new aspects of the camera system of the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Samsung is reportedly testing an early prototype of its next Ultra flagship.

According to the tipster, the S25 Ultra prototype features only three cameras on the back, a reduction from the four cameras offered by its predecessors. These cameras include a main, ultra-wide, and a single periscope telephoto lens. The company has apparently eliminated the “weak” 3x telephoto module and aims to compensate with digital zoom.

Samsung had already been experimenting with zoom cameras since the predecessor model, where they replaced the “weak” 10MP 10x telephoto lens with a 50MP 5x one. The phone performs well with long-range zooms using the high-resolution 5x camera and AI capabilities. Applying a similar approach to the 3x range is theoretically feasible.

Camera Enhancements

The main camera maintains the same sensor size and resolution. However, the new sensor is expected to capture more light, possibly due to a larger aperture, which generally benefits the ISP and results in better image quality.

The periscope telephoto lens uses a larger sensor compared to the Galaxy S24 Ultra, potentially improving detail in zoomed shots. The most significant change is the addition of variable zoom, which enhances the quality of zoomed images. Variable zoom employs mechanisms similar to dedicated cameras, creating a larger image on the sensor without cropping, thereby minimizing detail loss during zooming.

However, unlike the Xperia 1 V, which offers 3.5x – 5.2x continuous optical zoom, the S25 Ultra will provide two fixed focal lengths—one between 4 and 5x zoom and the other between 6 and 7x zoom. This approach is akin to merging two different zoom cameras into one module. Digital zoom will still be used for values between the two fixed focal lengths, but the proximity of these focal lengths should result in minimal noticeable loss.

Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Prototype: Testing with Three Rear Cameras
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