Realme has recently announced that it will soon introduce a new smartphone named the Realme Neo 7 SE in China. This device is set to feature the Dimensity 8400-Max chip, which will place it below the Realme Neo 7 that runs on the Dimensity 9300+ processor. While Realme has not disclosed further details about the SE variant, the device has been spotted in the database of China’s MIIT certification platform, revealing some design elements through the images that have emerged.
Design Features of the Realme Neo 7 SE
The Realme Neo 7 SE, identified by the model number RMX5080, showcases a flat OLED display on the front. On its rear, there is a dual-camera configuration along with an LED flash. Additionally, MIIT certification has indicated that the phone will come equipped with a robust 6,850mAh battery, which is its rated value.
Anticipated Specifications
Reports suggest that the Realme Neo 7 SE will come with an OLED display capable of 1.5K resolution. Similar to the Neo 7, this edition is also likely to support a 120Hz refresh rate. For security purposes, it is expected to incorporate an optical short-focus in-screen fingerprint sensor. The inclusion of the Dimensity 8400-Max chip is anticipated to position it against the Redmi Turbo 4, which features the Dimensity 8400-Ultra SoC. The device might offer up to 16 GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 512 GB of UFS 4.0 storage options.
Software and Camera Setup
The Neo 7 SE is likely to operate on Realme UI 6 based on Android 14. In terms of photography capabilities, it is expected to be equipped with a Sony IMX882 50-megapixel main camera alongside an 8-megapixel ultra-wide lens. The battery is projected to be 7,000mAh (typical value) with support for 80W fast charging.
Regarding its launch, the phone is anticipated to make its debut in February within China, with some sources hinting that it might be rebranded as the Realme GT 7T for the international market.
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