After several weeks of anticipation, the budget-friendly Realme Narzo N61 has finally been launched in India and is now available for purchase at an introductory price of Rs 6,999 on Amazon. This pricing includes discounts; otherwise, the phone is set to retail for Rs 7,499. The device is available in two configurations: 4GB RAM + 64GB storage and 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, and comes in Marble Black and Voyage Blue colors. The phone can be bought from Amazon, with various card discounts applicable.
On both Amazon and Flipkart, there’s an initial discount of Rs 500 on the Realme Narzo N61.
Realme Narzo N61 Features
The Realme Narzo N61 is powered by a Unisoc T612 SoC, paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. It boasts a 6.74-inch HD+ LCD display that supports a 90Hz refresh rate and delivers 560 nits of brightness. For photography, the phone features a 5MP front camera for selfies and video calls. On the back, it has a 32MP main camera accompanied by a 2MP depth sensor.
The device is equipped with a 5,000 mAh battery and supports 15W fast charging. It operates on Realme UI 4, which is based on Android 14. Notably, it includes a Mini Capsule 2.0 for interactive notifications within the front camera’s notch. The phone also features Rainwater Touch technology, enhancing screen sensitivity for use with wet fingers.
Connectivity and Availability
In terms of connectivity, the Realme Narzo N61 supports WiFi 5 ac and Bluetooth 5.0, and it surprisingly retains a 3.5mm headphone jack.
The Realme Narzo N61 is available for Rs 6,999 on Amazon and Realme’s own website.
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