Realme recently introduced the Realme 12 and Realme 12+ smartphones in the Indian market and is now hinting at the imminent release of the Narzo 70 Pro 5G. While the numbered series typically retails via Flipkart in India, the Narzo-branded phones are commonly found on Amazon. Although the official launch date for the Narzo 70 Pro 5G is yet to be confirmed, a preview on Amazon has provided a sneak peek into some of its key attributes. The updated landing page on Amazon indicates that the smartphone will boast a glass back design complemented by a dual-tone finish.
Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G Design
Realme asserts that the Narzo 70 Pro 5G will stand out as the sole smartphone in its segment to showcase a glass construction. The device exhibits an arc design featuring a dual-tone finish. While the top section housing the circular camera module displays a glossy texture, the remaining part appears to have a matte finish.
The Narzo 70 Pro 5G is set to include a 50-megapixel Sony IMX890 primary camera with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS). Although details regarding other cameras remain undisclosed, the company has disclosed a significant reduction in bloatware by 65% compared to previous models. Moreover, the device will offer support for more than ten air gestures.
Display and Camera Specifications
The front of the Narzo 70 Pro 5G will showcase a flat screen, with specifics like display size and resolution yet to be officially confirmed. Speculations suggest a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with an FHD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate.
Expectedly, the device may sport a 16-megapixel front-facing camera, while its rear setup could consist of a 50-megapixel + 8-megapixel + 2-megapixel triple camera configuration. Anticipated to run on the Dimensity 7050 chipset, the smartphone is likely to house a 5,000mAh battery supported by 67W fast charging technology.
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