Qualcomm introduced the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 last year as a budget-friendly option to the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. This year, the Snapdragon 8s Elite is expected to take its place, with new leaks providing some details about this upcoming sub-premium chipset.
Performance Expectations
According to leaker Digital Chat Station, the Snapdragon 8s Elite is anticipated to deliver performance that is similar to but not quite on par with the Snapdragon 8 Elite’s capabilities. It is rumored that the Snapdragon 8s Elite will achieve a score close to 2 million on AnTuTu. This performance leap should put it ahead of many Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 devices while still being roughly 20% less powerful than the Snapdragon 8 Elite phones.
Specifications Insights
If we look back at the Snapdragon 8s Gen, we can expect the Snapdragon 8s Elite to likely exceed the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in CPU performance, but it may fall short in GPU capabilities compared to the previous flagship chipset. Reports suggest that the Snapdragon 8s Elite will not include the new Oryon cores found in the Snapdragon 8 Elite; instead, it will feature a Cortex-X4 prime core along with A720 cores, similar to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.
Anticipated Launch
There’s a buzz about widespread adoption, with brands such as Xiaomi, Honor, iQOO, and OPPO reportedly preparing devices powered by the Snapdragon 8s Elite. These smartphones are expected to be released around April, which suggests that Qualcomm might announce the Snapdragon 8s Elite in either March or April.
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