The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Elite, also known as SM8735, has recently caught some eyes after being listed on Geekbench, showcasing impressive performance stats. An early listing showed its advanced CPU design includes one Cortex-X4 core running at 3.21GHz, three Cortex-A720 cores at 3.01GHz, two more Cortex-A720 cores clocked at 2.8GHz, and two energy-saving Cortex-A520 cores operating at 2.02GHz. Additionally, it comes with an Adreno 825 GPU that runs at 1100MHz. According to Geekbench, the single-core performance is around 1900 points, while the multi-core performance is close to 6000 points, suggesting that this chipset is still being fine-tuned and could see further improvements.
Snapdragon 8s Elite Overview
When comparing the Snapdragon 8s Elite with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3, the Elite offers a notable upgrade in its CPU setup. With its powerful Cortex-X4 core clocked at 3.21GHz, it is expected to deliver superior single-thread performance. The multi-core performance also benefits from the additional high-performance cores, likely exceeding the capabilities of the 8s Gen 3. However, while the Adreno 825 GPU is newer, it may not provide a huge advancement in graphics, as the emphasis remains on CPU efficiency and overall performance.
Comparing Snapdragon 8s Elite and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
The differences between the Snapdragon 8s Elite and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 are more significant. The 8 Gen 3 is equipped with a stronger Cortex-X4 core, extra high-performance Cortex-A720 cores, and an Adreno 750 GPU, making it better suited for gaming and demanding visual tasks. While the 8s Elite is efficient, it falls short of the raw power and GPU capabilities of the 8 Gen 3, making it a solid mid-range choice instead of a direct rival to Qualcomm’s leading chipset.
Snapdragon 8s Elite Compared to Snapdragon 8 Elite
The Snapdragon 8 Elite represents a major step forward for Qualcomm, featuring custom Oryon cores that are anticipated to outperform the 8s Elite’s ARM-based cores in both single and multi-core tasks. With higher clock speeds and a more sophisticated GPU, the 8 Elite would likely surpass the 8s Elite in benchmarks and real-world applications, particularly in gaming and artificial intelligence tasks.
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