Earlier this year, Oppo launched its flagship Find X7 Ultra smartphone exclusively in the Chinese market. Despite not being globally available yet, the device underwent camera system tests by DxOMark, a reputable benchmarking company from France, and emerged as the top performer in the ultra-premium segment.
The Oppo Find X7 Ultra achieved a remarkable score of 157 on DxOMark’s camera evaluation, putting it on par with the Huawei Mate 60 Pro+ at the top spot. It surpassed its competitors in key areas such as Bokeh photography (85 points), telephoto zoom (118 points), and visual noise in video mode (119 points).
Camera Performance Excellence
Reviewers praised the Oppo Find X7 Ultra for its exceptional portrait capture capabilities, delivering natural colors and intricate details across various scenarios. Featuring a 50MP main camera with a sizable 1" sensor, the device produces images with authentic tones and minimal noise. Its dual periscope tele zoom cameras excel in capturing detailed shots between 3x to 6x zoom levels and beyond. Bokeh images in portrait mode exhibit precise subject separation and vibrant color rendition.
Impressive Low-Light Performance
Despite lacking HDR in video mode, the Oppo Find X7 Ultra delivers outstanding results with accurate exposure and a broad dynamic range. Testers noted its proficiency in capturing vivid colors, natural skin tones, and effectively freezing motion. In low-light conditions, the device shines by revealing shadow details with minimal noise, matching the impressive noise levels of the iPhone 15 Pro Max in both photos and videos.
For a detailed analysis of the camera system performance, interested individuals can refer to DxOMark’s comprehensive review.
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