Nvidia has finally unveiled its latest range of desktop graphics cards. The company has introduced four different models and made some bold statements regarding their performance. At the top of the line, the GeForce RTX 5090 is equipped with 32 GB of VRAM, just like was suggested before. The other models, including the GeForce RTX 5080, RTX 5070 Ti, and RTX 5070, also launch with the expected VRAM amounts. No big surprises here.
Performance Claims
Nvidia asserts that the GeForce RTX 5070 can match the performance of the GeForce RTX 4090. Such assertions are not a new thing; they’ve been made with every new generation. However, this time it could be a reality thanks to advancements like DLSS 4, GDDR7 VRAM, and Nvidia’s fresh texture compression technology. What’s even better is that these cards might not break the bank. Below is the complete pricing breakdown for each model.
Pricing Details
The pricing of the GeForce RTX 5090 seems justified, considering its VRAM upgrade. The other models are also priced quite fairly, particularly the GeForce RTX 5080, which was rumored to be around $1,500. Nvidia has stated these GPUs will hit the market in January, though they didn’t provide any more details beyond that.
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