Vivo is preparing to launch a new smartphone in the Chinese market, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. The exact name of the device is still uncertain, with possibilities including Vivo X100 Pro+ or X100 Ultra, or it may have a different designation altogether. Leaks from last year’s Vivo X100 and X100 Pro suggested that the X100 Pro+ could be announced in April. However, subsequent leaks indicated a potential delay, pointing to a release in late Q2. Now, a leak from tipster Smart Pikachu has revealed the expected launch timeframe for the phone.
Vivo X100 Pro+ Launch Date
According to the leaker, the Vivo X100 Pro+ is scheduled to be officially unveiled in late April, with no expected delays. Unfortunately, no further details about the phone’s specifications were provided by the leaker.
Expected Specifications
Reports indicate that the X100 Pro+ / X100 Ultra will feature a Samsung E7 AMOLED curved-edge display with a 2K resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. The rear camera setup is rumored to include a 50-megapixel LYT-900 main camera, a 200-megapixel periscope telephoto camera, a telephoto lens, and an ultra-wide lens.
The device is expected to come with 16 GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 1 TB of UFS 4.0 storage. While the exact battery size remains unknown, it is anticipated to support 100W fast charging and 50W wireless charging. Other features of the phone include a USB-C port with USB Gen 3.2 support, dual stereo speakers, and an IP68-rated chassis. The phone is expected to be available in black, blue, and yellow color options.
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