The latest version of the OnePlus Watch is making waves with some recent updates. Just a couple of weeks ago, an image surfaced that showcased a new design for the OnePlus Watch 3. This upcoming smartwatch features thinner screen edges and introduces a digital crown, which will simplify the process of scrolling through applications and zooming into images and maps.
Health Features Unveiled
Recent insights from Android Authority highlight the health capabilities of the OnePlus Watch 3 through the OHealth app. The smartwatch will boast an electrocardiogram (ECG) function to help detect heart issues like arrhythmia. Additionally, it will include a skin temperature sensor. Similar to the Apple Watch Series 10, this feature won’t give precise body temperature readings but will inform users if their temperature is above or below normal during sleep. This sensor aims to enhance the accuracy of sleep tracking and menstrual cycle monitoring. Another interesting addition is the “60-second checkup,” which aggregates data from all available sensors within a minute to give a snapshot of the user’s health metrics.
Future Offerings
There’s some ambiguity regarding the availability of these features on the standard OnePlus Watch 3. The app hints that a premium version, the OnePlus Watch 3 Pro, might also be in the works. Furthermore, the company is reportedly developing several models under the Oppo brand, including the Oppo Watch X2, an Oppo Watch X2 (46 mm), and an Oppo Watch X Pro. Details on these upcoming watches are scarce at the moment, but it is said that the OnePlus Watch 3 will run on Google Wear OS, powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chip, alongside 2 GB of RAM, 32 GB of flash storage, and a 500 mAh battery.
With these advancements, the OnePlus Watch 3 is shaping up to be a promising addition to the smartwatch market. It aims to compete with established brands while offering unique features tailored for health monitoring and user convenience. As more information becomes available, tech enthusiasts and health-conscious users will be eager to see how this device performs.
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