Tesla Model X catches fire underwater after accidental slide down boat ramp

Tesla Model X catches fire underwater after accidental slide down boat ramp

Tesla Model X Catches Fire After Sliding Down Boat Ramp

In another bizarre fire incident involving a Tesla EV, a Model X has been reported to have slid down a boat ramp and caught fire underwater. This incident once again highlights the volatility of the EV’s battery architecture.

The Incident

The latest Tesla Model X fire incident took place in Hollywood, Florida. It occurred when a couple was attempting to launch their jet ski into the water. As the driver of the Model X was maneuvering the vehicle, it unexpectedly slid down a trailer attached to their boat. This led to a series of events that resulted in the car catching fire.

A Dangerous Situation

Upon sliding down the boat ramp, the woman driving the Model X became trapped inside the vehicle. Warning messages started appearing on the dashboard, indicating a potential issue. Thankfully, her husband was able to come to her rescue and help her exit the car safely.

Cause of the Fire

According to a report by the Hollywood Professional Firefighters, the car lost traction and ended up in the inter-coastal waters. The presence of saltwater caused a short circuit in the car’s electronics, ultimately leading to a fire. The fire burned for an extended period of time before extinguishing itself. As a precaution, the Model X had to be carefully loaded onto a special carrier and taken to the Impound lot. It will be closely monitored and isolated due to the possibility of reignition.

No Injuries Reported

Fortunately, everyone involved in the incident was able to evacuate the Model X without any injuries. Tesla has yet to release an official response regarding this particular fire incident.


This recent incident involving a Tesla Model X catching fire after sliding down a boat ramp serves as another reminder of the potential risks associated with EVs and their battery architecture. As electric vehicles continue to gain popularity, it is crucial for manufacturers to address and mitigate these safety concerns to ensure the well-being of their customers.

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