NASA Job: New Astronauts $152,000 Salary & Mars Opportunity

NASA Job: New Astronauts $152,000 Salary & Mars Opportunity

If you're not a student, chances are you're either employed or on the hunt for a job. Following years of education, completing university, and potentially earning an advanced degree, you might be contemplating what career path would truly bring you fulfillment. For those with a passion for technology, the allure could be found within industry giants […]

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First Ultra-HD Cat Video Beamed from Space by NASA Utilizing Advanced Laser Technology

First Ultra-HD Cat Video Beamed from Space by NASA Utilizing Advanced Laser Technology

NASA's Psyche Spacecraft Transmits Ultra-High Definition Video from Deep Space NASA's Psyche spacecraft, launched in October, has achieved a groundbreaking feat in space communication. Situated 19 million miles from Earth, the spacecraft successfully transmitted a 15-second ultra-high definition (UHD) video of an orange cat named Taters playfully chasing a laser dot. This marks the first time

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