Tag: life-saving stories

  • Two Apple Watch users receive life-saving emails from Tim Cook

    Two Apple Watch users receive life-saving emails from Tim Cook

    The Life-Saving Capability of the Apple Watch Continues to Impress

    Apple Watch has long been hailed for its life-saving capabilities, and users continue to share their remarkable stories. This week, two Apple Watch users received email responses from Apple CEO Tim Cook after expressing their gratitude for the device.

    Michael Gallegos’ Story

    Michael Gallegos, a resident of Wichita, Kansas, credits his Apple Watch for saving his life. He received a low heart rate notification from his watch, alerting him that his heart rate had dropped below 40 beats per minute for more than 10 minutes. Additionally, the watch detected an irregular heart rhythm while Gallegos was asleep. These crucial health insights were shared with his son Nick through Apple Health’s notifications. Acting swiftly, Nick took his father to a health facility where doctors diagnosed an undetected heart condition. Gallegos was fitted with a pacemaker, and the doctors emphasized how lucky he was. Grateful for his son’s gift of the Apple Watch, Gallegos’s story prompted Nick to email Apple CEO Tim Cook to express his appreciation.

    Christopher Oakley’s Experience

    68-year-old Christopher Oakley from Asheville, North Carolina, also credits his Apple Watch for providing vital heart data. After experiencing health issues, the Apple Watch data revealed that Oakley had suffered a minor heart attack. The watch recorded his heart racing at a rate of 121-151 beats per minute throughout the night. This information was crucial in diagnosing the issue, and Oakley underwent emergency double bypass surgery. Oakley, too, emailed Tim Cook to express his gratitude for the Apple Watch, acknowledging the life-saving impact it had.

    Tim Cook’s Response

    Both Michael Gallegos and Christopher Oakley received prompt responses from Apple CEO Tim Cook. Cook expressed his gratitude for their stories and thanked them for sharing their experiences. He also conveyed his joy that both men were able to receive the necessary treatment and continue their lives thanks to the Apple Watch.

    The Apple Watch continues to prove its worth as a life-saving device, with countless stories of its impact on users’ health. These stories serve as a testament to Apple’s commitment to creating innovative products that make a difference in people’s lives.