The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra comes with an impressive 200 MP main camera, priced at about $915 on Amazon. This smartphone boasts one of the highest resolutions available in mobile devices. In fact, the resolution of the S24 Ultra’s main sensor surpasses that of both full-frame and medium-format cameras. For example, the Hasselblad X2D-100C features a resolution of just 100 MP.
Pixel Size Matters
Despite its high resolution, the S24 Ultra has a sensor size of 1/1.3”, which means the pixels in its main camera are only 0.6 µm in size. This is much smaller than the 3.76 µm pixels found on the Hasselblad X2D-100C. According to leaker @Jukanlosreve, Samsung is looking to push boundaries even further with plans to create a 500 MP sensor for upcoming Galaxy S smartphones. This increase in pixel count would enhance the effectiveness of digital zoom. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that higher resolution usually doesn’t improve dynamic range or lens speed.
Competition with Apple
In an interesting development, Samsung Semiconductor is also said to be creating a sensor specifically for the Apple iPhone series. This could be a big deal for Samsung since the iPhone 16 Pro relies solely on Sony camera sensors. Thanks to advanced packaging technology, this new sensor is expected to have a unique three-layer design, positioning electronics behind light-sensitive parts to increase light sensitivity. While more information about this sensor hasn’t been disclosed, previous rumors indicate that the iPhone 17 Pro Max could feature up to three 48 MP cameras.
@Jukanlosreve (X)
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