Earlier in December, a fresh leaker appeared on Reddit, claiming to have a fully functional final production unit of the Nintendo Switch 2. They mentioned they would share proof on December 25. Although the leaker offered some insights about what to expect from Nintendo's next-gen game console, many people doubted its credibility.
Leaked Images Create Buzz
Now, it appears that u/NextHandheld either shared the photos or they were leaked by someone they trusted. Regardless of the leak's origin, the r/NintendoSwitch2 subreddit is buzzing with activity, with some users arguing that the images are generated by AI. This raises questions about the leak’s authenticity, but if the leak is true, the images reveal both limitations and enhancements of the Switch 2.
Design Changes and Features
To begin with, it seems the Switch 2 will feature bigger buttons and analog sticks. The Joy-Con release buttons on the back are noticeably larger, and the dock is about the same size as the Switch OLED dock. Interestingly, the leaker has confirmed that the joysticks use Hall-effect technology, which should help mitigate the stick drift issues that plagued the original Switch.
Display and Color Options
Sadly, the leak also indicated that the Switch 2 will sport an LCD display instead of an OLED one, as many had hoped. Additionally, it looks like the Switch 2 will move away from the bright red-and-blue design of the original, opting instead for a sleek dark grey or all-white finish. There will, however, be special edition versions available, with a hint towards Mario Kart 9 being mentioned alongside the hardware details.
Anticipated Launch Date
The new Switch 2 is expected to release in early February, with this specific leak suggesting a date of February 4, 2025.
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