Eurogamer has shared news that the newest update (1.04) for the Silent Hill 2 remake has caused a significant problem that stops players from finishing the game. This patch has messed up a puzzle within the labyrinth area, where gamers are required to adjust a cube to unlock paths. Since the update, certain sections have become inaccessible, leaving players unable to progress.
Developer’s Response
The game’s developer, Bloober Team, has acknowledged the problem and announced in a post on Steam that they will provide a fix shortly. The issue occurs when players "load a save data from the Labyrinth level (after Toluca Prison) made before applying the 1.04 patch."
Workaround Suggestions
For those who find themselves stuck in the labyrinth, Bloober Team recommends loading a save file created prior to entering that area. Reports indicate that the bug affects players on both PlayStation 5 and PC platforms. For PS5 users who have the physical disc and a save file saved before accessing the labyrinth, there’s an option to uninstall the game, take the console offline, and then reinstall it using the disc without the update.
Eurogamer, Konami, Steam.
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