Revolutionizing Smart Mobility: Haomo.AI's Affordable ADAS Kits Set the Pace

Revolutionizing Smart Mobility: Haomo.AI’s Affordable ADAS Kits Set the Pace

In a significant stride towards democratizing smart driving technologies, Haomo.AI, a promising autonomous driving tech startup backed by Great Wall Motor, unveiled a series of cost-effective Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) kits. These groundbreaking kits were showcased at the 9th AI Day event, underscoring Haomo.AI's commitment to fueling the widespread adoption of smart driving features across China​1​.

A Leap Towards Affordable Smart Driving

The hallmark of Haomo.AI's new offerings is their affordability without compromising on performance. The three newly launched systems, tagged HP170, HP370, and HP570, are priced significantly lower than many of their counterparts in the market, making smart driving tech more accessible. These kits range from around 3,000 yuan ($411) to 8,000 yuan, a stark contrast to the typical market prices of $1,500 to $2,000 for similar systems​2​.

The HP170 kit, adept for highways and expressways, incorporates features like automatic emergency braking and short-distance memory parking. Transitioning to urban scenarios, the HP370 extends support with intelligent obstacle avoidance capabilities, while the HP570 kit, priced higher, offers comprehensive parking assistance alongside automatic driving on urban roads​1​​3​.

Performance Meets Affordability

Haomo's ADAS kits stand out not just for their price point but also their performance. With computing power ranging from 5 Tops to 100 Tops coupled with a sophisticated sensor system, these kits promise robust assistance without relying on high-definition maps. This innovation dovetails with Haomo's vision to capitalize on the anticipated 70% penetration of smart driving features in China by 2025​1​.

The company’s Chairman, Zhang Kai, envisages these second-generation HPilot passenger car ADAS products to be integrated into production vehicles between 2023 and 2024, marking a significant advancement in the autonomous driving sector. The introduction of these kits reflects a broader trend in China's automotive industry towards embracing smart driving technology, backed by supportive data from the China Passenger Car Association​1​​3​.

Global Aspirations

With the backing of Great Wall Motor, China's largest sport utility vehicle (SUV) maker, Haomo.AI is not just eyeing the domestic market but also has global ambitions. Great Wall Motor's plans to establish an electric car assembly plant in Vietnam by 2025 exemplifies the global impact of China’s innovative strides in the electric and smart vehicle industry​3​.

The trajectory Haomo.AI is carving with its affordable ADAS kits is poised to significantly impact the smart driving landscape, ushering China, and potentially the broader global market, into an era of intelligent and accessible mobility solutions.


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