MediaTek has just introduced the Dimensity 8400 chipset, marking a first in its category. This new chip will power the upcoming Redmi Turbo 4 and the Realme Neo 7 SE, which are anticipated to be released in January 2025 in China. Additionally, the Poco X7 Pro, set to launch globally, will also feature this chip, as it is believed to be a rebranded version of the Turbo 4. A listing on Geekbench has surfaced, showing the performance metrics for the Turbo 4 for the first time.
Performance Insights of Dimensity 8400
A Xiaomi device with the model number 24129RT7CC has recently received approval from China’s 3C certification platform. This device, which is likely the forthcoming Redmi Turbo 4, has also appeared in the Geekbench database. The device powered by the Dimensity 8400 achieved scores of 1642 in the single-core test and 6056 in the multi-core test. These scores surpass those of the Redmi K70e, which was launched last year as the first phone featuring the Dimensity 8300. While the Dimensity 8400 shows impressive multi-core performance, its single-core results are a bit lacking.
Competing Against Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3
The Dimensity 8400 is set to compete with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chip, which scores approximately 18XX in single-core tests and about 48XX in multi-core tests. Interestingly, the D8400 finds itself positioned between the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in multi-core performance rankings.
Expected Features of Redmi Turbo 4
According to the Geekbench listing for the Redmi Turbo 4, the device will feature 16 GB of RAM and run on Android 15, likely with HyperOS 2.0 layered on top.
In terms of specs, the Redmi Turbo 4 is rumored to sport a 6.67-inch OLED display with a resolution of 1.5K and a refresh rate of 120Hz. The Dimensity 8400-powered smartphone is expected to offer up to 16 GB of RAM and up to 512 GB of internal storage, along with a battery capacity of either 6,000mAh or 6,550mAh, supporting 90W charging. It might also include a 20-megapixel front-facing camera and a dual-camera system with a 50-megapixel primary lens with OIS and an 8-megapixel secondary lens. Additional features could comprise an in-screen fingerprint scanner, an IR blaster, and dual speakers.
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