Redmi Note 10 Pro, a standout device in its time, featured the Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G SOC and outshone its competitors in the mid-segment market. Now, in 2024, Xiaomi has announced the end of update support for the Redmi Note 10 Pro / Max, marking the conclusion of its lifecycle.
Update Support Ends
Xiaomi has officially included the Redmi Note 10 Pro / Max in the end-of-support (EOS) list, signaling no future security patches for the device. While the Note 10 Pro models were anticipated to receive the HyperOS update, unforeseen circumstances led to its neglect. In India, the Note 10 Pro Max faced update issues due to concerns about potential motherboard damage, prompting Xiaomi to distance itself from the product. Notably, this situation is specific to the Indian variant and does not apply to the global edition of the Redmi Note 10 Pro.
Caution Advised
As more models join Xiaomi's EOS list over time, users of devices lacking recent security updates should exercise caution. With official support discontinued, these devices may be vulnerable to security threats. For a more secure experience, consider transitioning to a newer high-end model from Xiaomi, Redmi, or POCO.
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