Future Apple TVs to Include Integrated Camera for FaceTime & Apps

Future Apple TVs to Include Integrated Camera for FaceTime & Apps

Apple's future plans for the Apple TV are evolving, with potential integration of a camera directly into the Apple TV box being considered. This move could pave the way for FaceTime calls and

Integration Of Camera For Improved Connectivity

Apple's recent inclusion of FaceTime app in tvOS 17 update already allows users to utilize iPhones or iPads as cameras for video calls on a larger display, however recent speculation regarding possible integration into an Apple TV itself suggests future possibilities where separate devices might no longer be required for video calling purposes.

Camera Integration Offers Potential Innovations

Gurman suggests potential applications beyond video calls with camera integration beyond video calling; one possibility could include "gesture-based interactive control", although details on this feature remain unspecified at present. There are two potential avenues for exploration:

  1. Enhanced Video Calling: Expanding on existing gesture features, users could incorporate gestures like thumbs-up or peace signs during video calls on the Apple TV, enhancing the interactive experience.
  2. System-Wide Gestures: A more ambitious concept could introduce gesture control for the entire tvOS system, potentially revolutionizing how users interact with their Apple TV.

Apple Expanding Smart Home Ecosystem

Apple's smart home efforts go well beyond Apple TV. Gurman hints that they may also be exploring a lightweight smart display similar to an iPad mini for use around the house and linked up with various charging stations for convenience. Although limited trial production of screens for this potential product have taken place already, an official decision on its release remains yet to be determined by Apple.

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