Fire-Boltt recently unveiled its latest smartwatch, the Oracle, which boasts 4G LTE connectivity and runs on the Android OS, enabling users to access Android apps from the Google Play Store. Building on the success of the Fire-Boltt Dream, which operated on Android 8.1 and functioned akin to a compact smartphone, the Oracle offers enhanced features and accessibility.
Design Features
The Oracle smartwatch showcases a square dial with a rotating crown and a dedicated function button, ensuring user-friendly navigation. Users can choose from a range of strap options such as denim, silicone, ocean band, and metal, catering to diverse style preferences.
Specifications and Functionality
Equipped with a 1.96-inch HD display, 2GB RAM, and 16GB storage capacity, the Oracle also includes GPS and Wi-Fi capabilities. It integrates seamlessly with Google Suite, enabling easy access to various applications directly from the wrist. The smartwatch is fueled by a 700mAh battery, promising up to 36 hours of usage on light tasks and up to 8 hours on more demanding activities.
Health and Fitness Features
Fitness enthusiasts will appreciate the Oracle’s health-centric features, including continuous heart rate monitoring and a range of sports modes integrated into Fire-Boltt’s Health Suite.
The Fire-Boltt Oracle is available in multiple color variants like Black-Chrome and Cloud-Whisper, and is currently being offered at a special introductory price of Rs. 4999 on the Fire-Boltt website.
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