Elon Musk, who is well-known for juggling his love for gaming with his various business ventures and recent political activities, once again displayed his gaming passion during a live stream on X on January 7. In a session lasting over 90 minutes, the tech mogul showcased his high-level character from Path of Exile 2, attempting to demonstrate his alleged gaming prowess.
Fans React to Musk’s Gameplay
Viewers were surprised by Musk’s gameplay, but not in a positive way. His character, boasting an impressive level of 95, indicated not only a considerable time investment but also a notable skill level. Moreover, he possessed rare items that are difficult to obtain even for the most experienced players. Yet, Musk faced challenges with fundamental game mechanics, such as mixing up item requirements, trying to enter unreachable portals, overlooking mana flasks, and ultimately finishing the game run in a somewhat questionable manner.
Doubts About His Gaming Skills
Musk’s performance has raised doubts about whether he truly leveled up and equipped his character on his own. Numerous Reddit users have speculated that someone else may have prepared the character for him, and this isn’t the first time such suspicions have arisen. Back in November 2024, Musk set a world record in Diablo 4, only to later confront accusations of exploiting game bugs. The general feeling in the gaming community is that Musk doesn’t usually put in much time playing video games; rather, he tends to use gaming accomplishments as a way to attract media attention.
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