DJI has recently started selling the Neo, which is currently priced at $199 on Amazon. The drone made its debut in late August and became available on September 5. Weighing 135 grams, the Neo was introduced alongside a new RC-N3 remote controller. However, the anticipated new first-person view (FPV) goggles did not launch as expected. Currently, DJI promotes the Neo as compatible with the Goggles 3 and its accessories designed for the Avata 2.
New Speculations Arise
Recently, Jasper Ellens has ignited new rumors about the previously rumored FPV goggles that have yet to be released. According to him, DJI plans to introduce these goggles as the DJI Goggles N3. Furthermore, Ellens claims that DJI will offer a special combo package called ‘Motion 3,’ which will include both the Neo and the Goggles N3.
Awaiting More Details
So far, Ellens has only shared one promotional image, and he has not disclosed a specific release date. However, he anticipates that more information regarding the Goggles N3 will be available in October. He also noted that he has spotted the FPV goggles listed at a lower price alongside the Neo in some retail listings. In the meantime, DJI is preparing to launch the Osmo Action 5 Pro, for which we have provided separate coverage.
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