Baidu of China and Huawei Collaborate for AI Chip Purchase

Baidu of China and Huawei Collaborate for AI Chip Purchase

Baidu Chooses Huawei’s AI Chips to Embrace Local Tech Solutions

Baidu, China’s leading web search giant, has made a significant move towards local tech solutions by purchasing a batch of homegrown AI chips from Huawei Technologies. This decision comes amidst political pressures and trade constraints from the US, which have prompted Chinese companies to seek alternatives and reshape the tech landscape.

The order placed by Baidu includes 1,600 of Huawei’s Ascend 910B AI chips, with an estimated cost of around $61 million. This purchase indicates Baidu’s intention to reduce its reliance on foreign technology, particularly Nvidia’s AI chips that have been considered the industry’s gold standard. Although the order size is relatively modest compared to what Baidu usually procures from Nvidia, the significance lies in the step towards achieving technological self-sufficiency for China.

It is worth noting that Baidu had not previously utilized Huawei’s AI chips, making this partnership noteworthy. While Huawei’s chips may not currently match Nvidia’s performance, they represent the most advanced AI chips available in China. This shift in preference is not solely driven by Baidu but also a response to the strict US regulations that have prohibited Nvidia from selling its top AI chips to Chinese companies.

Baidu and Huawei have been collaborating since 2020 to ensure seamless integration of Baidu’s AI platforms with Huawei’s hardware. Despite Baidu having its own Kunlun AI chips, the reliance on Nvidia’s technology has been substantial. However, the US restrictions have compelled Baidu to alter its strategy and explore alternative options.

While analysts view the US restrictions as an opportunity for Huawei to claim a larger share of the domestic market, the key question remains: Can China accelerate its chipmaking capabilities to not only compete but also lead in the tech arena? This deal serves as a glimpse into a potential future where China’s tech independence becomes a reality rather than just an aspiration.


Baidu’s decision to purchase Huawei’s AI chips marks a significant shift towards local tech solutions in the face of political pressures and trade constraints from the US. This move reflects China’s ambition to achieve technological self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on foreign technology providers like Nvidia. While Huawei’s AI chips may not currently match Nvidia’s performance, this partnership showcases the most advanced AI chips available in China. As China seeks to accelerate its chipmaking prowess, this deal serves as a stepping stone towards a future where China’s tech independence becomes a reality.

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